This little howto describes, how to use ar_mailer to schedule emails for future delivery.
Sorry for the bad formatting. Might change it someday…
1) Migrate emails table and add needed fields
add_column :emails, :various, :string #holds classname and id of any object you want to add_column :emails, :type, :string #type of email add_column :emails, :date_to_send, :date #date to send that mail
2) Override “def find” in email.rb
def self.find(*args) with_scope(:find=>{ :conditions=>["(date_to_send IS NULL OR date_to_send <= ?)",] }) do super(*args) end end
3) Create DelayedEmail class, inherting Email
class DelayedEmail < Email before_save :set_due_date before_save :set_various_field @@days_before_sending = 21 #default is 3 weeks after creation of various object @@various_class = nil def set_due_date self.date_to_send = + @@days_before_sending end def set_various_field name = @@various_class.class.to_s + "_" rescue "NOCLASS_" id = rescue "0" self.various = name + id end #tell email to which object it belongs. might be important for future deletion of unsent mails def self.set_various_class(c) @@various_class = c end #tell email how many days shall pass by before sending email def self.set_days(days) @@days_before_sending = days end end
4) Modify ar_mailer standard emailer class in controller before delivery and set it back afterwards
DelayedEmail.set_days(10) DelayedEmail.set_various_class(SOMEOBJECT) ActionMailer::ARMailer.email_class=DelayedEmail #Let any mailer send an email through this class #eg. Mailer.deliver_mymail(...) ActionMailer::ARMailer.email_class=Email